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Coach Micheal Burt

Coach Burt has a simple philosophy “Everyone needs a good coach in life.” Those that have great coaches outperform those that don’t 3-4X and outearn those that don’t 3-4X.

Burt is both intense and positive and many like his authentic nature and pure coaching skills of packaging and delivering content in ways that get people to take action and get results. 

Coach Micheal Burt is considered “America’s Coach,” a unique blend of a former championship basketball coach combined with a deep methodology of inner-engineering people to produce at a higher level in the business world. Coach Burt found his unique voice early in life at the age of 15 by starting his basketball coaching career with a junior pro basketball team. 

Burt is the author of many books, including his latest, Fllip The Switch: Activate Your Drive to Achieve a Freakish Level of Success. 

Coach Micheal Burt
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